The Rector’s Report 2023
Rector’s Address 2024
by The Rev. Brenda J. Sol
I wrote about more practical matters in my annual Rector’s Report, so I commend that to you. But what occurs to me today, after being here for almost 10 years, is how we are fully embracing God’s call to us, as well as living into our strategic framework. That framework was created by a group of committed individuals about 7 years ago. We talked with various groups in the parish about how we wanted to live into our call of discipleship as a parish, and what came out of that is that we wanted to be a new model of church, so much so that we imagined other churches would want to know how we are doing this.
That seemed a little off-putting to some people. They thought it sounded egotistical, so, we softened some of the wording. But that is exactly what is happening. When the Vestry met with Bishop Susan recently as part of her annual check-in, she commented that the reason she sends field ed. students, curates and new priests to work with us is because this is a church, unlike others in the diocese, where we are doing amazing outward focused work. And it all started with—not really a grand vision—but with us simply answering the day-to-day call of what do the people around us need?
Connie McIntire likes to tell the story of how the food pantry began, which if I understand correctly, there were flower fields across the street, and some of the workers came knocking on the door one day asking, “You’re a church…any chance you have food to share?” So Connie and others scrounged some leftovers for them, then, immediately decided they would make a weekly practice of having food ready. The numbers of people coming to St. Andrew’s for food has steadily grown and multiplied over the years, and now we serve over 200 families a week!
Our listening to God’s call is evident the ways we have modified our campus so that it’s a community hub, rather than just some enclosed private space for the exclusive use of members only. Rather there’s a pathway out to the street, which has served as an invitation to our neighbors. On any given day, you’ll see someone walking the labyrinth, running their dogs, or playing with their kids on the playground. In fact, there are a number of nannies who visit with the children in their care every day.
Our listening to God’s call is evident when people like Don and Susan Caldwell, who were members long ago, loved this place so much, they left a third of their estate to us, and those funds are serving us today in wonderful ways.
Our listening to God’s call is evident in being such a welcoming place that families come to me and tell me, “If it weren’t for that family area, where my kids can just be kids while they’re in church, we wouldn’t be coming here.”
It’s evident in members of the Queer community who are showing up and feeling welcomed in by our more affirming Welcome Statement in our bulletin, a non-gender bathroom, and the rainbow striped name tag holder, which displays nametags with pronoun stickers on them. Those folks assure me, this is literally life changing for them to have a church (a place that can be traumatizing in less accepting denomination) love and accept them just as they are.
Our listening to God’s call is also evident in our youth group, who go on an annual service trip in order to help people who have less than they need. And, yet, our kids come back talking about the way they’ve been transformed in the process. It’s evident even in our littlest ones having a safe place to wonder about God together in community, and then to come up to the communion rail with their little hands cupped, ready to receive the sacrament.
There are so many other stories I could share with you about why being a part of Saint Andrews makes a difference to all of us, but I know you have your own story. I encourage you to share your story with your neighbors and friends, because we have something that the world is in great need of: a place to help out others, a place to find hope, a place to belong.
So I thank each and every one of you for all that you’re doing, have done and will continue to do to make St. Andrew’s the kind of place it is that has a meaningful impact on our parishioners and the people community around us. What a blessing to be engaged in ministry with you!