Considering Your Pledge
As each of us begins to consider what our pledge might be, here are some ideas for how and where you might start.
1. Pray.
This vital step is often overlooked in giving. Take some to time to ask for God’s help to guide you in this decision. Hold this question and consider including it in your daily or weekly prayers as you think about your financial commitment for the coming year.
2. Consider the many blessings in your life.
Giving should come from our gratitude and with a sense of joy, not out of guilt or obligation. Our culture teaches us to focus on what we don’t have, but Jesus teaches us to love and serve others with what we have already been blessed. Begin each day by thanking God for all the blessings in your life, and ask yourself if your giving reflects your gratitude.
3. Ask why St. Andrew’s is special to you.
Each of us has come to call St. Andrew’s our spiritual home for different reasons. For many, it’s the youth and children programs, or our commitment to the full inclusion of all of God’s children. For some of us, it’s the liturgy and music, for others it is our commitment to outreach. As you consider your giving, remember that your pledge enables St. Andrew’s to make God's intention a reality.
4. Challenge yourself!
Ask if your pledge reflects your values and priorities. God is calling us to connect more deeply in our relationship with God and one another. Does your pledge move you closer to God? Many have noted the life-changing impact that a simple pledge can have – and how little they missed the money – as they received so much more in return. At the end of the day, giving is about letting go of our agenda, so that we can say yes to God’s. This year, why not try “shocking yourself” with your generosity and then see how this connects you to God's kingdom?