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Women’s Spiritual Formation

Through reading, study and mutual encouragement, we seek to enter into a life with God – to understand what God has done and is doing in our lives as we open ourselves to the influence of the Holy Spirit. We have just begun our new book - A is for Alabaster - 52 Reflections on the Stories of Scripture, by Anna Carter Florence. Adriene Thorn, Senior Minister, The Riverside Church in NYC writes, "Anna Carter Florence has taken stories from the book we love and breathed fresh wind into them and some of the lesser-known characters, objects and even animals! We fall in love with language, with biblical history, with imagination and wonder, and with the God who loves and delights in us."

1st and 3rd Saturdays we meet in the Friendship Room. For more information and to receive the Zoom link (for 2nd and 4th Saturdays), please email Debbie Hickson or call 760-533-2808.

December 14

Contemplative Prayer

December 17

Lessons & Carols